Apr08, 2009

Everybody Needs Business Cards

By |April 8th, 2009|Job search, Networking|1 Comment

If you’re at an event—a conference, a seminar, a networking event, a cocktail hour, whatever—you’re hopefully meeting people you’ll want to stay in touch with, because they’re interesting, they’re potential business associates, clients, mentors, friends. In short they can help you or you can help them. And the way to stay in contact is by

Apr07, 2009

Help Me Help You

By |April 7th, 2009|Job search, Networking|4 Comments

You are less alone in your job search than you might think. Your network of friends, former co-workers and mentors are waiting to be tapped as a resource. People enjoy helping others; I know I do. While getting your personal network on board with your job search is important, knowing how to ask for help

Apr02, 2009

Idealist.org Offers Career Guides on Social Change Work

By |April 2nd, 2009|Book Review|Comments Off on Idealist.org Offers Career Guides on Social Change Work

The non-profit job bank and career resource center, Idealist.org (where I found my last two jobs), recently published a book that is part career guide, part activist’s handbook:

“The Idealist.org Handbook to Building a Better World provides tools and inspiration for anyone who wants to make a difference but doesn’t know where to start. Inspired by Idealist.org’s 600,000-member

Mar30, 2009

Roadtrip Nation

By |March 30th, 2009|Discovering Passions and Interests, Success|3 Comments

Roadtrip Nation is a show on PBS that has college students traveling across the country in a bright green RV interviewing successful people about their careers and how they got where they are today. The tagline for the show is “define your own road in life.” I showed this to my students on Wednesday with

Mar13, 2009

Informational Interviewing – Ten Steps to Success

By |March 13th, 2009|Enhancing career skills, Job search, Networking|1 Comment

I’m re-posting a fabulous article by career coach Alexia Vernon, owner of Catalyst in Action, on how to make the most of informational interviewing.  A few tidbits:

Informational Interview Step 1: Scoring Face Time

You explain succinctly and dynamically who you are, what results you have achieved, and why this person should give you the time to discuss

Mar12, 2009

Top Ten Social Networking Sites That Can Help You Find A Job

By |March 12th, 2009|Job search, Networking|2 Comments

I recently saw on the website, Mashable, a list of one author’s top ten social networking sites for finding a job. His top 10 are:

1. LinkedIn
2. Plaxo
3. Twitter
4. Jobster
5. Facebook
6. Craigslist
7. My Workster
8. Visual CV
9. Jobfox
10. Ecademy

My two favorites on the list are Craigslist (always interesting job postings on there) and LinkedIn (a great way

Mar10, 2009

The Master Mind Principle

By |March 10th, 2009|Goals, Inspirational Quotes, Success|Comments Off on The Master Mind Principle

I always thought it would be a good idea to read the biographies of successful people for inspiration but never seem to get around to it. Today I was re-reading Laurence Boldt’s How to Find the Work You Love and was inspired to run out and get books by and about the greats of past

Mar02, 2009

One Thing A Day

By |March 2nd, 2009|Goals, Job search|3 Comments

At a recent talk for high school girls hosted by Girls Write Now, I heard a senior editor at Seventeen magazine speak about her struggles with writing early in her career. Faced with a boss who was not supportive of her writing, shaking her confidence, her personal mantra became: Do one thing a day toward

Feb24, 2009

Career Lessons Learned in Yoga Class: The Concept of “No Ambition”

By |February 24th, 2009|Discovering Passions and Interests, Enhancing career skills|1 Comment

Every Friday night, I have a date with my yoga mat at my favorite yoga class. It’s a great way to relieve the stress from the work week and start fresh and rejuvenated for the weekend. I’ve been doing yoga on and off for about six years, but my Friday night class has been a

Feb16, 2009

Women May Soon Outnumber Men in the Workforce

By |February 16th, 2009|Workplace|Comments Off on Women May Soon Outnumber Men in the Workforce

A recent article in the New York Times, entitled “As Layoffs Surge, Women May Pass Men in Job Force”, reports that with recent layoffs predominantly affecting men [1], women are poised to soon outnumber men in the workforce. [2]

I think this article is interesting (especially because I hadn’t realized that there were almost equal numbers